by fidomoney US | Sep 19, 2022 | fidomoney US, Finance
Many people live beyond their means and often don’t realize it. One of the most common pieces of advice that people give is to start a budget. This is a way to manage their finances and improve their financial health. It can help them pay off debts and set goals....
by fidomoney US | Aug 16, 2022 | fidomoney US, Finance
If you have had a poor experience with your bank, or if you have had issues with your current account, such as having to pay monthly fees, you might want to consider switching banks. Many options are available to you, and you are not trapped by your bank. ...
by fidomoney US | Sep 20, 2021 | Business, Business News, fidomoney US, Finance, Fintech
Choosing a new bank is a serious commitment, and it’s not something you want to do frequently. This makes it especially important to find the bank that will offer you the most favorable terms. In looking at any bank’s terms, there are several things to...